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Sculpting with Epoxy Putty (AKA: "Green Stuff")
What happens when you mix Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt with Green Stuff?
How to sculpt: BATTLE CARNAGE DEBRIS with Green Stuff
Making an Epoxy Putty Oven for Miniature Sculpting
Which putty is the best? Comparing green-, brown- & grey stuff and two kinds of milliput!
You're Storing Greenstuff WRONG!?!?
Halloween sculptures by Robert ChrisMoss Creations, epoxy putty sculpting
My best EPOXY CLAY tips! (It ain't gotta be frustrating.) + SHOP LOG
HOW GOOD is Molding and Casting with "Blue Stuff"?...
40k Greenstuff for Beginners
Sculpting Figure Part1 "the structure"